WOW i didnt expect this i didn’t expect that they will turn in to animals i thought they would be just naked
I was really hoping for Neko-Nudity too, now we have too go to plan B
and what is plan B exactley?
Ignore what Gravedigger says, he’s…”Special”.
he sure is my kind of special then, i LOVE the idea XD
take pictures when they change back
Aye, was wondering what they planned to wear when they arrived.
are you a pirate????
No. I pirate torrents instead. and my hidden “boxes” are my archives.
you and I could be a team
Aye is a common expression of agreement or consent.
If I wanted to say that in pirate I might use the words:
“Arr, me bucko! Thems wenches be wearing naught a stitch!”
But I’m no pirate
Clearly you are mistaken
The hint is haiku
ok, my brother wanted to know
I think it was quite creative and fun having them turn into straight up felines!
sounds good
Strictly speaking….they ARE naked….
but staring at them fondly in their current form would be weird
well, technically they ARE all naked right now.
then they save us the trouble and they better smile for the camera is a domestic cat breed keeping up with a tiger? lol. I’m thinking Kimi shoulda gone Siberian tiger or snow leopard.
She’s a magic nekocat. DO NOT QUESTION HER!
Most domestic cats are capable of reaching speeds of 50 km/h altho they usually average out at about 40. A tiger is about the same, with a slightly higher top speed of 55 km/h which can only be done at short bursts. They may be running at the same speed, Tina just has to exert less effort to maintain it given her increased stride. Or if you just want me to make easier… magic.
Ha! Knew it was magic!
Hmm, other then that with Tina in that form, I wonder what’ll happen if she gets the taste of blood. if that would put her over the edge & go all pushco on the monster >:)
Geez you know your stuff!
My brain is still trying to understand what just happened.
used the weapon’s magic to remove there human dna making them all full cats so they could run faster, and once they get to the battle Kimi will make them all human again
hopefully ^-^
Wowzerz, so Yuki is a lynx? THAT I didn’t see coming.
Check the tail. It’s too long for her to be a Lynx. Appearance is slightly more consistent with a ‘wildcat’.
Huh, wow, lynxes do have short tails… But are wildcats so much larger than domestic cats?
some species are slightly larger than domestic, but the whole look is just confusing
Caracal. She’s a caracal.
It says Lynx on the about page…that you wrote >_>;
Not anymore it doesn’t.
That’s a kinda strange animal name, never heard it before
You weren’t too far off with the Lynx
It’s a Caracal (Nekonny said that first), also known as a Desert Lynx
But, but the about page for the comic says that Yuki is a Lynx nekomimi. Though I must admit I always thought she had way too much tail for a Lynx, they gots stubby little manx tails. Caracals are much cooler and can leap vast distances at a time, but they have shorter tails as well….Perhaps it is just part of the nekomimi magic that gives her such a luscious tail. Cause you know I hate to see her go, but I love to watch her walk away.xxxekomimi
Caracals are also called Desert Lynxs. So he’s still not technically lying.
she’s a caracal, not a linx
Caracals are also known as desert lynx, they are closely related to lynxs but are considered their own species.
i saw it comeing but….. why cant you at the least make a filler with the alternate courseT_T
Hm…I’m somewhat slightly confused. I mean, i understand they were originally human that were turned into Nekos, but how can they be further transformed into their animal counterparts? Darn magic XD
Yeah, but seriously, did not see this one coming at all.
They were human at first? I guess I missed their backstories somewhere…
I thought that only Nekonny was human before the girls got him turned into a cat. The other three were always Nekomimi; they’ve just never been seen before on this island.
WTF?! @_@…. Now you’ve lost me.
I can’t wait to see how everyone else will react to seeing a trio of cats running towards them.
Tigerz and Lynx and Catz oh my
looks more like a caracal to me
they do look alike
I go with the caracal. The fur pattern and color matches that of the caracal. Plus, a lynx would have this ruff-like fur under his cheeks.
you might be right, but Nekonny in an earlier page said she is a lynx
I meant caracal XD
oh well now it makes sense, but caracals have lynx style shorter tails
I wouldn’t say they have lynx style shorter tails, as their tails are characteristically and significantly longer than that of the average lynx.
okay, okay you win
Gravedigger cant argue with that pretty face
We have a Winner! ^^
Interesting logic there…
It’s features are very similar to a lynx, so it evolved from a lynx, or shared a very recent ancestor, or maybe the lynx evolved from the Desert lynx due to a shorter tail. UGH! I SCREWED UP MY LOGIC! … … what I’m trying to say is that they are very similar. There, I did it.
For those of you complaining about the lack of nudity, remember they’re going to change back to human forms eventually. Probably when they arrive.
I hope for convenient censorship smoke or something at that point.
Dang censorship! I kid, but at times, censorship sucks.
Such as in porn that is for the express purpose of nudity
WAIT A SEC!!!!!! lynx have short tails, like a bobcat
she looks more like a caracal, which is a type of longer tailed linx
the Caracal is actually closer related to other African cats than the lynx, but they do have a similar appearance
in anycase it’s a comic strip not supposed to be accurate on the species used so relax about it you’re looking too much into this.
Kimi8’s lookin’ a wee biut chubby in the last panel, what happend she eat the Neko spirit? :0
It’s just a trick of perspective. She only looks chubby there from the front because it’s a moment when her body is scrunched up before she takes the next running stretch. I bet she’d look way skinny when she’s stretched out.
I didn’t see exactly this coming, either… I thought they’d be MUCH larger.
I could certainly SEE Tina much lager (in that form) next to Human Nekonny.
Tina in this form, could do some clawing, biting damage.
(Human) Nekonny able to throw punches and/or kicks.
Yuki, (same as Tina just not as much damage.
Kimi attacking in that form would just be an (errasion?)
Not sure how this would ruin any clothing but it would make it difficult to get out of, with the exception of the tiger.
It was mostly a precaution, Kimi had no idea how or what they might transform into, plus it was also an effective means to rile the readers up.
Wait if I’m correct they are leaving there clothes on the ground, in the cave -_- WELL THEN! I guess they will either get battle suits or be naked when they transform back to normal. Nekonny will be surprized
Be surprised?, more like in heaven!!
Even more like unable to pay close attention to it because of the current situation, you know, the one with the collosus rampaging
I’m pretty sure Yuki is a Caracal melanotis, also known as desert lynx, a species of wild cat found throughout much of Africa and the Middle East. Although it was classified as a lynx, molecular evidence shows that it’s closer related to the African golden cat and serval.
She is a caracal…
kimi is fox/ tiger or a pokemon
or her name is not kimi i meant that cat or tiger with big ears and a thing sticking out of her head thats what i meant not kimi oops
light brown with white belly if you didnt understand its not the tiger or the small black white cat as kimi the third cat i don’t know any shit about
if the weapon can nekocats into cats then doesn’t that mean it can turn cats in to nekocats?
Who let the cats out…. who let the cats out!!
And this is where we prove that a housecat is capable of 40kph
first panel was a rainbow dash moment.
so a tiger a lynx and a tabby walked into a beach. then they had their biologically confused friend a security officer and an army of blobby people….. against a huge friggin legend/dolphin/dragon thing…. dis gon be good
what kinda cat is yuki supposed to be, some kind of sphynx or bengal cat or something?
look at that. My wish came true… well partially anyway.
I get it. These are their cat characteristics given full form. This was actually pretty cool! Good job, Nekonny!
You REALLY let the catz outta the bag with this page Nekonny! :). <-Sorry, just had to post that…
Nekonny sure did pick up some exotic girls.
Only one problem…Lynx have short tails… -_-;
Got any coffee?
So, the ultra-scary, regenerating, badass looking, probably eternal enemy weakness is… cats?.
I should start bringing cats to the epic boss fights
in a way…, Cats DO like seafood
My question is… what happens if they transform back at an inopportune moment?
Like say, in front of Nekonny?
They’d probably be naked,
Or in that suit of armor that Kimi had. I doubt anyways that they’ll transform back because Kimi controls it.
I’d say nekkony gets a nose bleed and a mental image he will treasure forever.
So how long until the comment section is disabled here too, like over at LL?
I might be wrong about this, but the comments section at LL was disabled because of a hater (who shall remain unnamed) constantly commenting on every single page and getting enjoyment out of berating on all of LL’s faults (which, I will admit, there are a few, but at least I’m not being a total jackarse about it). So far (at least from what I’ve seen), there are no comments of that nature on here or any of the other Katbox comments sections.
This smells…..damn I cant be a hater of this comic even if i tried. Oh well back to love and magic of friendship.
Whenever I read Tina’s “YEP! YEP! YEP!” I imagine Ducky, that little dino from that one old kids movie, The Land Before Time, saying “Yep yep yep yep yep yep” (I don’t know how many times in a row she says yep)
Have you thought about looking for a video of that character saying that?
No, gimme a sec
*looks up video of Ducky saying “YEP!”*
Yup, that’s her alright
I just remembered something about her saying “yep” that many times when Petrie reemerges from the water
Am wondering, size comparison wouldn’t Yuki and (Kimi certainly) be fairly smaller to Tina?. or is Tina in human form not fully grown like her parents and not as big as they’d be?
I love how you guys all missed the obvious MLP reference with the “omgosh OMGOSH OMGOSH!” being a direct R. Dash quote.
We didn’t miss it, we’re just testing you..
And where’s the old lady (who’s name escapes me) while the big monster is destroying life as we know it?
In the Inn with a candle stick…
I was expecting the transformation, cause it happens throughout the comic at, like, every fifth page or so, but I was expecting them to all turn into cats, not one cat, a tiger, and a fox. can’t wait for them to turn back, mostly because I don’t see them carrying any clothing.
WOW i didnt expect this i didn’t expect that they will turn in to animals i thought they would be just naked
I was really hoping for Neko-Nudity too, now we have too go to plan B
and what is plan B exactley?
Ignore what Gravedigger says, he’s…”Special”.
he sure is my kind of special then, i LOVE the idea XD
take pictures when they change back
Aye, was wondering what they planned to wear when they arrived.
are you a pirate????
No. I pirate torrents instead. and my hidden “boxes” are my archives.
you and I could be a team
Aye is a common expression of agreement or consent.
If I wanted to say that in pirate I might use the words:
“Arr, me bucko! Thems wenches be wearing naught a stitch!”
But I’m no pirate
Clearly you are mistaken
The hint is haiku
ok, my brother wanted to know
I think it was quite creative and fun having them turn into straight up felines!
sounds good
Strictly speaking….they ARE naked….
but staring at them fondly in their current form would be weird
well, technically they ARE all naked right now.
then they save us the trouble and they better smile for the camera is a domestic cat breed keeping up with a tiger? lol. I’m thinking Kimi shoulda gone Siberian tiger or snow leopard.
She’s a magic nekocat. DO NOT QUESTION HER!
Most domestic cats are capable of reaching speeds of 50 km/h altho they usually average out at about 40. A tiger is about the same, with a slightly higher top speed of 55 km/h which can only be done at short bursts. They may be running at the same speed, Tina just has to exert less effort to maintain it given her increased stride. Or if you just want me to make easier… magic.
Ha! Knew it was magic!
Hmm, other then that with Tina in that form, I wonder what’ll happen if she gets the taste of blood. if that would put her over the edge & go all pushco on the monster >:)
Geez you know your stuff!
My brain is still trying to understand what just happened.
used the weapon’s magic to remove there human dna making them all full cats so they could run faster, and once they get to the battle Kimi will make them all human again
hopefully ^-^
Wowzerz, so Yuki is a lynx? THAT I didn’t see coming.
Check the tail. It’s too long for her to be a Lynx. Appearance is slightly more consistent with a ‘wildcat’.
Huh, wow, lynxes do have short tails… But are wildcats so much larger than domestic cats?
some species are slightly larger than domestic, but the whole look is just confusing
Caracal. She’s a caracal.
It says Lynx on the about page…that you wrote >_>;
Not anymore it doesn’t.
That’s a kinda strange animal name, never heard it before
You weren’t too far off with the Lynx
It’s a Caracal (Nekonny said that first), also known as a Desert Lynx
But, but the about page for the comic says that Yuki is a Lynx nekomimi. Though I must admit I always thought she had way too much tail for a Lynx, they gots stubby little manx tails. Caracals are much cooler and can leap vast distances at a time, but they have shorter tails as well….Perhaps it is just part of the nekomimi magic that gives her such a luscious tail. Cause you know I hate to see her go, but I love to watch her walk away.xxxekomimi
Caracals are also called Desert Lynxs. So he’s still not technically lying.
she’s a caracal, not a linx
Caracals are also known as desert lynx, they are closely related to lynxs but are considered their own species.
i saw it comeing but….. why cant you at the least make a filler with the alternate courseT_T
Hm…I’m somewhat slightly confused. I mean, i understand they were originally human that were turned into Nekos, but how can they be further transformed into their animal counterparts? Darn magic XD
Yeah, but seriously, did not see this one coming at all.
They were human at first? I guess I missed their backstories somewhere…
I thought that only Nekonny was human before the girls got him turned into a cat. The other three were always Nekomimi; they’ve just never been seen before on this island.
WTF?! @_@…. Now you’ve lost me.
I can’t wait to see how everyone else will react to seeing a trio of cats running towards them.
Tigerz and Lynx and Catz oh my
looks more like a caracal to me
they do look alike
I go with the caracal. The fur pattern and color matches that of the caracal. Plus, a lynx would have this ruff-like fur under his cheeks.
you might be right, but Nekonny in an earlier page said she is a lynx
I meant caracal XD
oh well now it makes sense, but caracals have lynx style shorter tails
I wouldn’t say they have lynx style shorter tails, as their tails are characteristically and significantly longer than that of the average lynx.
okay, okay you win
Gravedigger cant argue with that pretty face
We have a Winner! ^^
Interesting logic there…
It’s features are very similar to a lynx, so it evolved from a lynx, or shared a very recent ancestor, or maybe the lynx evolved from the Desert lynx due to a shorter tail. UGH! I SCREWED UP MY LOGIC! … … what I’m trying to say is that they are very similar. There, I did it.
For those of you complaining about the lack of nudity, remember they’re going to change back to human forms eventually. Probably when they arrive.
I hope for convenient censorship smoke or something at that point.
Dang censorship! I kid, but at times, censorship sucks.
Such as in porn that is for the express purpose of nudity
WAIT A SEC!!!!!! lynx have short tails, like a bobcat
she looks more like a caracal, which is a type of longer tailed linx
the Caracal is actually closer related to other African cats than the lynx, but they do have a similar appearance
in anycase it’s a comic strip not supposed to be accurate on the species used so relax about it you’re looking too much into this.
Kimi8’s lookin’ a wee biut chubby in the last panel, what happend she eat the Neko spirit? :0
It’s just a trick of perspective. She only looks chubby there from the front because it’s a moment when her body is scrunched up before she takes the next running stretch. I bet she’d look way skinny when she’s stretched out.
I didn’t see exactly this coming, either… I thought they’d be MUCH larger.
I could certainly SEE Tina much lager (in that form) next to Human Nekonny.
Tina in this form, could do some clawing, biting damage.
(Human) Nekonny able to throw punches and/or kicks.
Yuki, (same as Tina just not as much damage.
Kimi attacking in that form would just be an (errasion?)
Not sure how this would ruin any clothing but it would make it difficult to get out of, with the exception of the tiger.
It was mostly a precaution, Kimi had no idea how or what they might transform into, plus it was also an effective means to rile the readers up.
Wait if I’m correct they are leaving there clothes on the ground, in the cave -_- WELL THEN! I guess they will either get battle suits or be naked when they transform back to normal. Nekonny will be surprized
Be surprised?, more like in heaven!!
Even more like unable to pay close attention to it because of the current situation, you know, the one with the collosus rampaging
I’m pretty sure Yuki is a Caracal melanotis, also known as desert lynx, a species of wild cat found throughout much of Africa and the Middle East. Although it was classified as a lynx, molecular evidence shows that it’s closer related to the African golden cat and serval.
She is a caracal…
kimi is fox/ tiger or a pokemon
or her name is not kimi i meant that cat or tiger with big ears and a thing sticking out of her head thats what i meant not kimi oops
light brown with white belly if you didnt understand its not the tiger or the small black white cat as kimi the third cat i don’t know any shit about
if the weapon can nekocats into cats then doesn’t that mean it can turn cats in to nekocats?
Who let the cats out…. who let the cats out!!
And this is where we prove that a housecat is capable of 40kph
first panel was a rainbow dash moment.
so a tiger a lynx and a tabby walked into a beach. then they had their biologically confused friend a security officer and an army of blobby people….. against a huge friggin legend/dolphin/dragon thing…. dis gon be good
what kinda cat is yuki supposed to be, some kind of sphynx or bengal cat or something?,_Ontario,_Canada-8c.jpg
yuki is a Caracal!? wow, thanks Tiron.
look at that. My wish came true… well partially anyway.
I get it. These are their cat characteristics given full form. This was actually pretty cool! Good job, Nekonny!
You REALLY let the catz outta the bag with this page Nekonny! :). <-Sorry, just had to post that…
Nekonny sure did pick up some exotic girls.
Only one problem…Lynx have short tails… -_-;
Got any coffee?
So, the ultra-scary, regenerating, badass looking, probably eternal enemy weakness is… cats?.
I should start bringing cats to the epic boss fights
in a way…, Cats DO like seafood
My question is… what happens if they transform back at an inopportune moment?
Like say, in front of Nekonny?
They’d probably be naked,
Or in that suit of armor that Kimi had. I doubt anyways that they’ll transform back because Kimi controls it.
I’d say nekkony gets a nose bleed and a mental image he will treasure forever.
So how long until the comment section is disabled here too, like over at LL?
I might be wrong about this, but the comments section at LL was disabled because of a hater (who shall remain unnamed) constantly commenting on every single page and getting enjoyment out of berating on all of LL’s faults (which, I will admit, there are a few, but at least I’m not being a total jackarse about it). So far (at least from what I’ve seen), there are no comments of that nature on here or any of the other Katbox comments sections.
This smells…..damn I cant be a hater of this comic even if i tried. Oh well back to love and magic of friendship.
Whenever I read Tina’s “YEP! YEP! YEP!” I imagine Ducky, that little dino from that one old kids movie, The Land Before Time, saying “Yep yep yep yep yep yep” (I don’t know how many times in a row she says yep)
Have you thought about looking for a video of that character saying that?
No, gimme a sec
*looks up video of Ducky saying “YEP!”*
Yup, that’s her alright
I just remembered something about her saying “yep” that many times when Petrie reemerges from the water
Am wondering, size comparison wouldn’t Yuki and (Kimi certainly) be fairly smaller to Tina?. or is Tina in human form not fully grown like her parents and not as big as they’d be?
I love how you guys all missed the obvious MLP reference with the “omgosh OMGOSH OMGOSH!” being a direct R. Dash quote.
We didn’t miss it, we’re just testing you..
And where’s the old lady (who’s name escapes me) while the big monster is destroying life as we know it?
In the Inn with a candle stick…
I was expecting the transformation, cause it happens throughout the comic at, like, every fifth page or so, but I was expecting them to all turn into cats, not one cat, a tiger, and a fox. can’t wait for them to turn back, mostly because I don’t see them carrying any clothing.
… I can honestly say; I did not see that coming.