Sombrana‘s not exactly the warm and fuzzy kind, is she?
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Happy to see the inter-dragon racism confronted one-on-one, maybe Fiera can get through to her?
Sombrana seems like one of the toughest nuts to crack.
I wonder how the timeline lines up here. Was Sombrana still part of said “leadership” when Fiera lost her biomom ?
Good question, mon ami! It would appear so based on Red not yet being referred to as “Lady Red” in the flashback on page 329.
Childhood Scars
Fiera faces the cynical, sizzling Sombrana but gets a repulsive reception in return. Fiera fires back. A flashback of herself and her birth mother being banished from small shops and such simply because of the fire she shares with souls like her. It seems time can’t turn the tides of turmoil or turn hearts hopeful and souls sweet. Nevertheless, Fiera finishes her recollection with the reminder that the revengeful former regal hasn’t removed those same repugnant traits that reprised the previous generations. Sombrana supplies a superficial service to her passed parent. Then implies that heedless headship by the upper echelons was the main motive for the tragedy.
Is she correct?
Sombrana is symbolic of the turmoil that is turning the Dragon Kingdom inside out.
Can either put down their painful pasts or is this the beginning of bigger things brewing?
Looks like Sombrana’s not all that big on the warm-and-fuzzy treatment.
Well there’s no yelling yet that’s a good sign right?
The night is young.
I can tell eone and her group are going to travel west I wonder what would happen if the earth dragons secretly vanished into thin aire what will the queen do?
She just called Fiera a racial slur to her face, now she thinks she can get Fiera to support her politically. Sombrana’s either dumb as a rock or arrogant as hell.