Ooh, right in the stalactite!
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Ah Sombrana has a chip on her shoulder and the fire dragons are her target. Very cool seeing the different ways water and light dragons can use their powers.
Water magic’s real handy for dishes and cookware!
Or pressure washing dishes 🙂
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It looks okay on my end. What are you seeing that’s unusual?
Each Dragon species’ culinary preference according to Blue’s statement (and maybe some extrapolation) :
– Fire dragons : anything grilled or baked really, no sandwiches or salads
– Lightning dragons : same but they will insist it’s not the same thing because it’s magically microwaved
– Earth dragons : lots of vegetables and spices, possibly mashed
– Light dragons : pretentious restaurant food, nothing filling but the dishes are super pretty
– Water dragons : british
That culinary breakdown is brilliant, mon ami! I might have to take those into consideration, especially the bit about Light Dragons’ preferences!
Got a new picture on facebook gonna put it on every thursday that is all I am going to say on that So how would sombrana and elektra gonna overthrow oscura do you think the earth dragons might help and will elektra spilled the beans of there leader oh boy that will be tensions running extremly high
Sounds like Blue might know something, too.
Boiling Point
A steaming stew simmers down one late evening. On the menu was a slew of steamed succulency enjoyed by all. Elektra alights on the entrees and alludes to the overall steaming theming. Nonetheless Elektra take a shot at a sensitive spot: “Has Blue chit-chatted with the reputable Lady Red lately?” Blue suddenly seizes with shock and starts stuttering. Elektra alleviates her apprehensions by announcing she is OK with it if she has and Sombrana is succinctly unaware of the exchange. Blue speaks. The dislike between the Red/Sombrana duo traces back to Sombrana’s long held belief that Fire Dragons are the bane of the Dragons and the smoking gun behind many societal ills. So when Lady Red was lavished with her former position, this simmering hatred sparked higher than before. Sombrana’s shot in the dark at a smug facsimile of the Dragon in question sends a clear message.
Another facet of the fractions forming inside the Dragon Kindgom is in full display and the tension is tightening.
Can Lady Red avoid being royally executed? And what can either Blue of Elektra do to tone down the intensity between the two?
Think the cooler heads will prevail? Or will Sombrana continue going down Revenge Road?
Either way it seems the sizzling Sombrana and respectable Red are careening on a collision course with one another.