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Revenge much? Stay tuned…

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I said it once I said it again i have a envieness of the light lightning and fire dragons if I was a tiger I in my mind I would say earth air water dragon good fire eletric and light bad sorry my opnion I know there is good ones fire elektric and light ones but in my selfish nature I hold a jealouse grudge on them because I like listening to the half truth but not the whole truth and the whole truth is there are good ones too.

So a tiger imprisons, a tiger enables. Who’d of thought it?

Sombrana’s escape was initiated when a distracted Tigress barreled into her back and bumped the properly positioned poleaxe from its place. With a significant surplus of squirming she shimmies out of the ropes that restrained her and retreated into refuge (Does this make her a pole dancer?). Later, Elektra came upon the cuffed former captive and ended up being the key to freedom. In the meantime, Oscura has ostracized many of the former Royal Guards and forced them into an expedited exile. With the conflicting Queen now eyeing obtainment of the Obsidian Egg, embers of anger are flaring amongst this far-flung flock. With a rebellion rising and a hunt for a mythical matter underway, can Oscura keep herself secure in the midst of her selected servants or is her sovereignty slipping?

How are they going to FIND the egg at all? When we last saw it, it was in the hands of a society who has both the means and the measures to study it. I don’t believe they would give it up even if, by some miracle, Oscura does find where the Egg is. Plus what does she intent to do with the Egg anyway? What CAN she do with it?

Gawd, why are the dragons all so friggin’ racist? They’re so racist, they have to have a never-ending war against tigers to keep from splitting back up… Honestly, there may be a point where it’s better to break into separate societies again, because the amount of destruction and death necessary to make even a little headway towards tolerance is just not excusable.

I do like what you’ve done with the portrayal of Fire Dragons. Common mythology has always associated Dragons with Flame, so to see that Element so prejudiced against by their own kind is quite the contrast.

It definitely feels like social prominence is an ebb-and-flow concept in dragon society. We’ve seen Fire and Lightning dragons’ turns at being the Royal Guard… but we’ve also seen how dangerously effective fighters Earth dragons can be. And if Avatar showed anything, water is also a strong element when used right. Which really raises a question for me – if light dragons’ wheelhouse is mostly illusion and such, how has Queen Oscura’s light dragon line managed to hold onto power and not be overthrown by the more ‘offensive’ elements as part of Dragon society’s ongoing internal grudge match? Manipulation can only really go so far…

All good questions! As for social prominence, Her Majesty’s Royal Palace Guard was staffed by Lightning Dragons for centuries, so long that the public perception might have been that that’s who’s SUPPOSED to hold the job. So when it goes to someone who doesn’t fit the established mold, it’s going to rankle some traditionalists.

Between the three of them, should they pool their knowledge, they know a fair number of Imperial secrets to use against Oscura and her court when the time comes.
Elektra learned, in chapter one, about future Princess Lumina’s egg being missing and the queen’s dealings with a rogue male to make a trueborn heir. Not to mention the second trueborn that could still be out there, daughter to a prominent earth dragon. A fact Eone threatened to gain their rights.
Blue knows, from Kilani, that the egg was hatched and the girl raised and cared for by a tiger. Likely also from Kilani, that Azure gave her the egg freely and was buried by her.
And Sombrana knows, firsthand, that not only is she not dead, but she was betrayed by the one who wanted her job. Left to die, before being saved by Elektra and co.
All together, should cause quite the show once all the truth comes out. Might get the lightning dragons and Sombrana their positions back at least.

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