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So THAT’S where the Obsidian Egg went!

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The degree to which the snacks are distracting the council lends to the idea that they will renew Shaleigh’s endowment for continued study of this realm’s subjects… and more importantly, access to its condiments. A part of me feels like the scientific implications of all this are taking a back seat, even as we the readers are perking up at the Obsidian Egg reveal – and the implication of how long Shaleigh’s academic pursuits have been messing with the ‘war’ realm. Render himself was also stolen wasn’t he, an egg that went missing? So much about this whole hearing/presentation really makes me wonder what gives ‘this’ realm the right to mess with everyone else – someone gave them a gift of freaky portal hub laundry? Almost makes me want to see some karmic comeuppance… allergens in the ranch dip? >.>

Should Shaleigh have gone with the Thousand Island instead?

Explaining that it’s not a literal “Thousand Islands” might have distracted from their enjoyment… so Shaleigh probably made the right choice of snack for her bribe!

It makes me wonder what tech/magic level Shaleigh’s realm, if these kinds of processed foods aren’t available. Draconia Lane (aka Onyx Realm) looks to be a ‘modern’ setting with a vague assumption of all that ‘modern’ means by the reader’s standards – up to and including similar foods.

If Draconia Lane is ‘similar’ to Shaleigh’s realm, how do they differ (beyond snacks); i.e. did getting inter-realm travel come with a horrible cost for their world or something? … and now my mind associates that question with how brokenhearted Zmia was at getting her endowment revoked. Uh oh.

The concentration on the condiments is concerning.

Anyway Shaleigh slides into her presentation with practiced precision stating snippets of the realms residents to her examiner’s obtuse observations. In any case the Obsidian Egg is likely the overarching reason for our protagonists predicament. But how is the egg triumphing over the timeline? Have we cracked the case?

I need some seasoning right now… Let’s fry this egg.

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