What the flock?!
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Ah… Yes… That is a lot of fire dragons.
Why am I hearing that in a Jeff Goldblum-like voice?
Holy bonfire in the making!! 😱
Well that’s gratitude. Pfft.
Kilani successfully halts the imminent beheading but instead of bringing peace she’s perturbed these two. Scyde isn’t listening to a tiger who walked away from her kind, while Elektra is more concerned with her employment and social position than hearing out how a tigress is connected to her queen.
Either way both want her to hightail it out of there. But, it looks like this is about to heat up as a flock of fiery fliers has made their egregious entrance.
Seems like Kilani’s concerns are multiplying, can she cool things down?
Here comes Kilani to cockblock the violence!
Wow I can hear the song peace maker from fleet wood mac I hope the suns will rise for kilani one day
Ooh, yes! It’s called “Peacekeeper” and that’s long been Kilani’s theme song!
besides love the multiple dragons I can tale you used some good tools on adobe photoshop on it very clever
Eh, some shortcuts had to be taken. It’s part of why this page took so long to finish!
Doesn’t look like that exactly worked. Let’s hope Scyde sees how many dragons there are and realises they’re not ready to fight a whole army…
True, though knowing her history with Elektra, that’s the only Dragon Scyde’s probably focusing on right now!
Tigers to the left of me, Dragons to the right and here I am, stuck in the middle with Kess.
By the way am I hearing Ride of the Valkyries?
♪ Kill the Tigers, Kill the Tigers, Kill the Tigers… ♫