Has Glo unwittingly hit Lady Red right where it hurts?
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But is backup going to arrive in time?
They’d better hurry!
…Lady Red is going to get there to fine some mutilated fire dragons and nothing else isn’t she? The Queen might change he stance if after this a lot of dragons have died.
A lot? Well, so far, it’s Xhianil plus a flock of five… versus several hundred Tigers who are about to charge out of the woods!
Sorry That I laughed At the dragon queen temper anger managment but man she is going to have another fit when the tigers killed the her soldiers off
Lady Red’s gonna have some explaining to do!
Is that a bionic arm Glo’s got?
Good guess but it’s just a sleeve (glove?) tattoo that covers every last bit. Imagine dipping your arm in Easter egg dye! ^__^
Pride before a fall, Lady Red.
With eyes trained on the horizon, two dragonesses trivialize over Red’s attempt to bar the way into the city via the sewer. Red gloats over her precaution but gets shot down by Glo.
Before their conversation continues a bright flame shoots into the sky in the distance. A call to assist from Sear. A sign of trouble on the horizon.
How will this complicate things for those caught in the middle?