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Has Kess had a life-altering epiphany? Stay tuned…

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I’m glad Kess is finally starting to question her place in this conflict, gives me hope that her reunion with Kilani will bring about more of a change within the story especially for the two tigers. I wonder however just what Kess will think if she every learns why Oscura has drawn the war into a stale mate, honestly my #1 want would be to see that information go public, the chaos that would cause…

Kess seems to be having some deep introspection, coming to understand her sister’s attitude towards the dragons. Consider actions and consequences before attacking indiscriminately.
There are some good on both sides, not many but some. Kilani saw good in Cinder on multiple occasions, Shie feels remorse for her actions, now Kess is seeing Blue defend herself, not attack. Now they all just have the monumental task of convincing Riah.

Introspection leads to Revelation.

With Kess out of the halls, Shaleigh and her furry fellow felons are discussing the events after belatedly facing Blue in the royal courtroom. Flowers have them all looking back on their “persuasion” of the dragon, except for Riah. They are all impressed at the prospect that ANY dragon could be peaceful. Even more amazing than that is Blue’s adopted daughter, who had a tiger kill her biological mother. This would be reason enough for most to hate any tiger they saw.

Not true of Blue. Her daughters are the world to her and the last thing she wants is for them to lose their mother for any reason. Kind of reminds me of a certain tiger who had her own adopted daughter.

Blue and Kilani have more in common than mere kindness.

Kess is beginning to see that those who paint themselves as heroes can be villains too.

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