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Comic 299

Comic 299 published on 239 Comments on Comic 299


Howdy, fellow Draconiacs!  RazorFox here.

“The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep…”

-Robert Frost

Is this the last time Kess and Kilani‘s paths will cross?  Time will tell.

Those of you looking for a soundtrack for this page can pull up “Barton Hollow” by The Civil Wars.

I just realized that there’s another convention around the corner.  In just under two weeks, I’ll be returning to Anime Weekend Atlanta, perhaps my favorite convention of the year, as I never fail to have an awesome time there.  There’s a convention that feels like a huge party all weekend, and I’m chomping at the bit to make my twelfth appearance there.  The map shows my table as being smack-dab in the middle in the Artist Alley this year, so be on the lookout for the big Draconia Chronicles banner featuring Kess and Lady Chiara.  More details next week, but in the meantime, if you’re able to get out to the awesome city of Atlanta on the weekend of September 28, I’d love to see you!  Come on by and say hi!  More details at the AWA website.

Until then, it’s back to work.  Sketching starts this week on the 2013 Draconia Chronicles Calendar, and next week, we’ll be reaching the comic’s next big milestone with my 300th page!  Busy, as always!

Take care, my fellow Draconiacs, and thanks for reading!





This must be the first time I`ve seen Kess talking without anger or fear and in a much calm way, even sound a bit wise here… But she point something really important, whatever Kilani is gonna do on the future, she will be alone at this… that`s sad…. also I`ve seen that the text dosen`t hide the work anymore… good to see that :3

Thanks! I’ve been trying to be more mindful of that. It also just so happened that there wasn’t as much of a need for words on this one as there have been on previous pages. And I made sure to include plenty of elbows for you. ^__^

This must be the first time I`ve seen Kess talking without anger or fear and in a much calm way, even sound a bit wise here… But she point something really important, whatever Kilani is gonna do on the future, she will be alone at this… that`s sad…. also I`ve seen that the text dosen`t hide the work anymore… good to see that :3

Thanks! I’ve been trying to be more mindful of that. It also just so happened that there wasn’t as much of a need for words on this one as there have been on previous pages. And I made sure to include plenty of elbows for you. ^__^

This must be the first time I`ve seen Kess talking without anger or fear and in a much calm way, even sound a bit wise here… But she point something really important, whatever Kilani is gonna do on the future, she will be alone at this… that`s sad…. also I`ve seen that the text dosen`t hide the work anymore… good to see that :3

Thanks! I’ve been trying to be more mindful of that. It also just so happened that there wasn’t as much of a need for words on this one as there have been on previous pages. And I made sure to include plenty of elbows for you. ^__^

Okay, back now from processing all that.

Truthfully, I was kind of expecting a slugging, but after seeing this, Kess has now become my least favorite tiger girl of them all. Yeah, I get that they’re mad and everything with the whole getting their behind handed to them by a dragon and the fact that she raised a dragon and what not. But to go so far as to abandon her…dang, that’s cold, even for me.

Then again, this is technically a war that Kilani has perpetuated because of her “actions” and there’s really no room for luxury or feelings. But…wow, didn’t see that coming at all. Worse of it is that no one backed her up.

I don’t know if I should really be surprised by this. Technically, neither side shows any real compassion for the other side and it probably would be the same for those that help the other side. Though the dragon queen probably couldn’t keep chasing Kilani forever. Maybe it could be seen as Kess looking out for her own and her groups skin by abandoning Kilani. Though Kilani being safe after what Kess exposed would also be a problem now.

You hit the nail right on the head in that Kess was looking out for the safety of the group as a whole. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one.

Sort of interesting that. Lady Red made a similar choice with Sombrana if memory serves me right. Though Red didn’t seem to mind leaving Sombrana at all. Interesting how different thought process can come to a similar conclusion of action at times.

well if you think about it, it all comes down to self preservation. The dragons only want Kilani, so if she’s not with the group they’ll be safer; its cruel but its true. sending her away makes them more likely to survive, and thats what Kess wants, to survive

Okay, back now from processing all that.

Truthfully, I was kind of expecting a slugging, but after seeing this, Kess has now become my least favorite tiger girl of them all. Yeah, I get that they’re mad and everything with the whole getting their behind handed to them by a dragon and the fact that she raised a dragon and what not. But to go so far as to abandon her…dang, that’s cold, even for me.

Then again, this is technically a war that Kilani has perpetuated because of her “actions” and there’s really no room for luxury or feelings. But…wow, didn’t see that coming at all. Worse of it is that no one backed her up.

I don’t know if I should really be surprised by this. Technically, neither side shows any real compassion for the other side and it probably would be the same for those that help the other side. Though the dragon queen probably couldn’t keep chasing Kilani forever. Maybe it could be seen as Kess looking out for her own and her groups skin by abandoning Kilani. Though Kilani being safe after what Kess exposed would also be a problem now.

well if you think about it, it all comes down to self preservation. The dragons only want Kilani, so if she’s not with the group they’ll be safer; its cruel but its true. sending her away makes them more likely to survive, and thats what Kess wants, to survive

Wow, that was a hard punch in the emotions. I was about to say Kess chose her own saftey over her sister, but the I realized- no, Kess doesn’t wanna be safe, she just wants to fight dragons without being singled out. She just declared quite plainly that she wants war more than family.

Wow, that was a hard punch in the emotions. I was about to say Kess chose her own saftey over her sister, but the I realized- no, Kess doesn’t wanna be safe, she just wants to fight dragons without being singled out. She just declared quite plainly that she wants war more than family.

Safety’s a big issue, and by ensuring that safety, Kess and her crew can be on offense instead of on defense.

Wow, that was a hard punch in the emotions. I was about to say Kess chose her own saftey over her sister, but the I realized- no, Kess doesn’t wanna be safe, she just wants to fight dragons without being singled out. She just declared quite plainly that she wants war more than family.

Exile is never a easy choice to make.

But one that needed to be confronted in this case.

It is interesting how Kess seems to have become a leader. The other cats may not like her but I notice how they don’t really argue with her choices. If Kess could get her passion under control I think she would be destined for greatness among tigers. Sorta a Grom Hellscream kind of character if you are familiar with Warcraft.

Happy conventioning. Hope you don’t get the con crude.

She may be a specific target, but they are looking for a group of tigers. Might have been better to let her travel with to have more numbers (or a sacrifice if you are that cold hearted), then send her packing when you are safe. Otherwise, hatred begets hatred, the cycle only ends when one side dies, or both sides get tired of fighting.

Just so you know, I am Ionjam posting as myself since you changed the posting options 😉

This was dealt with in the transformers comic ‘the last autobot’ or what ever the comic name was. they found one of the oldest autobots, predating the whole autobot/decepticon split. he did not like the war and because he was so close to primus their god, he used a bit of his power.

He made ALL of them that found and were near him immortal when autobot and decpticon started to fight each other over him. when one died, they rose right back up. it took both sides a bit to figure out how fruitless the whole war was..

If i had the power i would do the same here. lure a large group of tigers and dragons into fighting, make them all temporally immortal. and then wait and hope they learn just how pointless this whole war is..

Exile is never a easy choice to make.

But one that needed to be confronted in this case.

It is interesting how Kess seems to have become a leader. The other cats may not like her but I notice how they don’t really argue with her choices. If Kess could get her passion under control I think she would be destined for greatness among tigers. Sorta a Grom Hellscream kind of character if you are familiar with Warcraft.

Happy conventioning. Hope you don’t get the con crude.

She may be a specific target, but they are looking for a group of tigers. Might have been better to let her travel with to have more numbers (or a sacrifice if you are that cold hearted), then send her packing when you are safe. Otherwise, hatred begets hatred, the cycle only ends when one side dies, or both sides get tired of fighting.

Just so you know, I am Ionjam posting as myself since you changed the posting options 😉

This was dealt with in the transformers comic ‘the last autobot’ or what ever the comic name was. they found one of the oldest autobots, predating the whole autobot/decepticon split. he did not like the war and because he was so close to primus their god, he used a bit of his power.

He made ALL of them that found and were near him immortal when autobot and decpticon started to fight each other over him. when one died, they rose right back up. it took both sides a bit to figure out how fruitless the whole war was..

If i had the power i would do the same here. lure a large group of tigers and dragons into fighting, make them all temporally immortal. and then wait and hope they learn just how pointless this whole war is..

Poor Kess and Kilani :< Kess plainly doesn't *want* to make that kind of decision. I don't think that if Kilani gets captured anyone will come for her, and that's if they find out.

Even if it was tactically right, I can’t help but see Kess’s action as cold BS. Kess’s actions thouse past few days had endangered the group more than Kilani with her erratic behavior and fist tossing actions. Seriously though, what ever happened to the slogan of “No one gets left behind?”

This isn’t “Lilo & Stitch.” Sorry. I’m not Disney.

Not to nitpick, but I think that is also a military slogan. “no man left behind.” though to be fair, I am sure more than a few leaders have abandoned that saying out of need, convenience, or expediency.

Even if it was tactically right, I can’t help but see Kess’s action as cold BS. Kess’s actions thouse past few days had endangered the group more than Kilani with her erratic behavior and fist tossing actions. Seriously though, what ever happened to the slogan of “No one gets left behind?”

This isn’t “Lilo & Stitch.” Sorry. I’m not Disney.

Not to nitpick, but I think that is also a military slogan. “no man left behind.” though to be fair, I am sure more than a few leaders have abandoned that saying out of need, convenience, or expediency.

Okay, as sad as this moment is, and as much as I really don’t like Kess, I have to respect her decision to put the group’s safety above all else. It shows a good sense of leadership, thinking of the unit before the individual. And besides, Kilani is a capable Tigress; she should able to survive on her own (smaller numbers does equal greater stealth), but if she stays with the others, well, then, that’ll just be 7 more lives in senseless danger.

Okay, as sad as this moment is, and as much as I really don’t like Kess, I have to respect her decision to put the group’s safety above all else. It shows a good sense of leadership, thinking of the unit before the individual. And besides, Kilani is a capable Tigress; she should able to survive on her own (smaller numbers does equal greater stealth), but if she stays with the others, well, then, that’ll just be 7 more lives in senseless danger.

aww, so sad. but ohwell, hopefully everything will be all right.

hey Razor, there be fanservice in next page? :3

If there’s an opportunity to delivery fanservice, you know I’ll do it. ~__^


cause if you don’t, i will be wondering what the frig you are thinking about not wanting fanservice o.o

aww, so sad. but ohwell, hopefully everything will be all right.

hey Razor, there be fanservice in next page? :3

If there’s an opportunity to delivery fanservice, you know I’ll do it. ~__^


cause if you don’t, i will be wondering what the frig you are thinking about not wanting fanservice o.o

Wow. That went differently than I was expecting. It sad that they’re basically abandoning Kilani. But I’m glad that Kess didn’t just punch her like before.

Wow. That went differently than I was expecting. It sad that they’re basically abandoning Kilani. But I’m glad that Kess didn’t just punch her like before.

not very sisterly tigers have some fimlia bond issues can’t say the dragons are any better each have their own issues but if they want to grow as a people they are goign to have to do some soul searchin and make things right

I hate to play grammar nazi but in the second panel, shouldn’t it read “our disagreement yesterday, I WAS so mad…” followed by “but now, I’VE got a new reason.” or is this just Kess’ way of talking?

It’s actually just Kess’ way of talking. Since taking over the writing, I’ve wanted to develop a unique way of speaking for the Tigers. The goal is word economy, in that I try to have each Tiger say as much as they can with as few words as possible. Thus, a lot of small words, like personal pronouns and minor verbs get dropped. What you’re citing is totally intended. ^__^

I hate to play grammar nazi but in the second panel, shouldn’t it read “our disagreement yesterday, I WAS so mad…” followed by “but now, I’VE got a new reason.” or is this just Kess’ way of talking?

It’s actually just Kess’ way of talking. Since taking over the writing, I’ve wanted to develop a unique way of speaking for the Tigers. The goal is word economy, in that I try to have each Tiger say as much as they can with as few words as possible. Thus, a lot of small words, like personal pronouns and minor verbs get dropped. What you’re citing is totally intended. ^__^

I hate to play grammar nazi but in the second panel, shouldn’t it read “our disagreement yesterday, I WAS so mad…” followed by “but now, I’VE got a new reason.” or is this just Kess’ way of talking?

It’s actually just Kess’ way of talking. Since taking over the writing, I’ve wanted to develop a unique way of speaking for the Tigers. The goal is word economy, in that I try to have each Tiger say as much as they can with as few words as possible. Thus, a lot of small words, like personal pronouns and minor verbs get dropped. What you’re citing is totally intended. ^__^

This was tragic and painful to read. Incredible how the blind with hate words can actually hurt LESS than she asking her to do so in a calm, rational way and asking her for the sake of the group’s survival rather than just their ingrained prejudices.

There is ONE problem however, depending how deeply the queen can hold a grudge. Okay, so the dragons and tigers have been fighting a war of annihilation as far back as their history books go. But she might just decide ‘hmm, can’t find the tiger we’re looking for in this group, better wipe out the entire tribe just to be safe.’ While sending search parties to comb every inch of the country side for their one target . . . that’s rarely worked out in military history.

This was tragic and painful to read. Incredible how the blind with hate words can actually hurt LESS than she asking her to do so in a calm, rational way and asking her for the sake of the group’s survival rather than just their ingrained prejudices.

There is ONE problem however, depending how deeply the queen can hold a grudge. Okay, so the dragons and tigers have been fighting a war of annihilation as far back as their history books go. But she might just decide ‘hmm, can’t find the tiger we’re looking for in this group, better wipe out the entire tribe just to be safe.’ While sending search parties to comb every inch of the country side for their one target . . . that’s rarely worked out in military history.

This was tragic and painful to read. Incredible how the blind with hate words can actually hurt LESS than she asking her to do so in a calm, rational way and asking her for the sake of the group’s survival rather than just their ingrained prejudices.

There is ONE problem however, depending how deeply the queen can hold a grudge. Okay, so the dragons and tigers have been fighting a war of annihilation as far back as their history books go. But she might just decide ‘hmm, can’t find the tiger we’re looking for in this group, better wipe out the entire tribe just to be safe.’ While sending search parties to comb every inch of the country side for their one target . . . that’s rarely worked out in military history.

well if you have all been reading the comics all the way through then you might know that the war between the tigers and the dragons is like the war from the red vs blue series(if any of you know what it is then i dont need to explain it); that someone else is pulling the strings behind it all

well if you have all been reading the comics all the way through then you might know that the war between the tigers and the dragons is like the war from the red vs blue series(if any of you know what it is then i dont need to explain it); that someone else is pulling the strings behind it all

well if you have all been reading the comics all the way through then you might know that the war between the tigers and the dragons is like the war from the red vs blue series(if any of you know what it is then i dont need to explain it); that someone else is pulling the strings behind it all

Will Killianai get her Chuki back or die trying? Will Kess continue her quest for revenge only to find out later that revenge will turn her into a monster that willinglly kill innocent kids in the name of revenge or will she stop and forgive and maybe accept Chuki/lumina as Kilinia daugther when the time comes? Only time will tell.

Will Killianai get her Chuki back or die trying? Will Kess continue her quest for revenge only to find out later that revenge will turn her into a monster that willinglly kill innocent kids in the name of revenge or will she stop and forgive and maybe accept Chuki/lumina as Kilinia daugther when the time comes? Only time will tell.

Will Killianai get her Chuki back or die trying? Will Kess continue her quest for revenge only to find out later that revenge will turn her into a monster that willinglly kill innocent kids in the name of revenge or will she stop and forgive and maybe accept Chuki/lumina as Kilinia daugther when the time comes? Only time will tell.

All I here from Kess’s words is “you’re too much trouble for us so just go far away and die somewhere.” Nothing redeeming for Kess in the slightest.

ah jezz man what a way to brake a family up…

nevertheless I still fell like kess decisions and actions are not only rash but presumptive,
kess has allredy proven to have a temper and anyone whose studied war can tell You that an angry soldier isn’t always a good one. I just hope kess doesn’t involuntarily lead these tigers into a bad situation

as for Kilani I hope that shell finally be able to find her own kind (peace loving Tigers?,Dragon?,Foxes?, wutever else is out ther?) on her new path

and maybe get a hug [:

ah jezz man what a way to brake a family up…

nevertheless I still fell like kess decisions and actions are not only rash but presumptive,
kess has allredy proven to have a temper and anyone whose studied war can tell You that an angry soldier isn’t always a good one. I just hope kess doesn’t involuntarily lead these tigers into a bad situation

as for Kilani I hope that shell finally be able to find her own kind (peace loving Tigers?,Dragon?,Foxes?, wutever else is out ther?) on her new path

and maybe get a hug [:

ah jezz man what a way to brake a family up…

nevertheless I still fell like kess decisions and actions are not only rash but presumptive,
kess has allredy proven to have a temper and anyone whose studied war can tell You that an angry soldier isn’t always a good one. I just hope kess doesn’t involuntarily lead these tigers into a bad situation

as for Kilani I hope that shell finally be able to find her own kind (peace loving Tigers?,Dragon?,Foxes?, wutever else is out ther?) on her new path

and maybe get a hug [:

I don’t know if staying there is such a good idea for Kilani though. If she doesn’t get up and move, she might get caught. Despite she was the reason that Chuki/lumina is still alive, I doubt the Queen would show any real pity if she catches Kilani. Something most likely would have to step in and save her if that happened
There is something that I find interesting about what this page shows. All the different colors and styles of clothe. Kilani’s actually looks like she has some actual style put into it. It certainly makes her stand out more. Greens, browns, blues, and reds. Small interesting details.

Glad you noticed. While I tend to stick to shades of brown for the loincloths, I like to have the Tigers’ tops be nice and colorful. When I first thought of introducing Tigers to the series, they were actually going to be naked, like their Dragon counterparts, but with their naughty bits similarly hidden, just like their Dragon counterparts. I quickly realized that virtually every Tiger would look the same, except for her hairstyle, and so I decided to clothe them to make them more distinct. And it allowed me to add naughty bits. ^__^

I don’t know if staying there is such a good idea for Kilani though. If she doesn’t get up and move, she might get caught. Despite she was the reason that Chuki/lumina is still alive, I doubt the Queen would show any real pity if she catches Kilani. Something most likely would have to step in and save her if that happened
There is something that I find interesting about what this page shows. All the different colors and styles of clothe. Kilani’s actually looks like she has some actual style put into it. It certainly makes her stand out more. Greens, browns, blues, and reds. Small interesting details.

Glad you noticed. While I tend to stick to shades of brown for the loincloths, I like to have the Tigers’ tops be nice and colorful. When I first thought of introducing Tigers to the series, they were actually going to be naked, like their Dragon counterparts, but with their naughty bits similarly hidden, just like their Dragon counterparts. I quickly realized that virtually every Tiger would look the same, except for her hairstyle, and so I decided to clothe them to make them more distinct. And it allowed me to add naughty bits. ^__^

A tough decision, but it was one that had to be done…

Hopefully their paths will cross again.

A tough decision, but it was one that had to be done…

Hopefully their paths will cross again.

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