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Howdy, fellow Draconiacs! RazorFox here.

Okay, so after last week’s little Valentine’s Day Special (which can now be found in the Katbox Gallery), we’re back to the main story. When we last left Queen Oscura, she was ready to lay down some justice. It looks like her juggernaut continues to roll onward, with Lady Red as her next target.

Those of you looking for a soundtrack for this page can pull up “Ring of Fire” as performed by former American Idol contestant Adam Lambert. Really surreal version from one of the show’s all-time best performers.

And to answer your question, no, I don’t actually watch the show, though I did actually follow one season several years ago. I even called in to vote. I joined the bandwagon for a season and decided not to ride again. Once was enough. Had fun, though.

As I write this, I’m getting ready to head out to Katsucon just outside of Washington, DC. Yup, it’s Friday morning. You, on the other hand, won’t see this until Monday morning, at which point, I will have returned from the convention and I fully expect to be absolutely dead tired. I expect to have a great time, though, as I usually do at Katsucon. I also got a message on Facebook telling me that there might even be a Draconia Chronicles cosplayer in our midst. If this comes to pass, you’ll see photos real soon.

Also, by request, I’ve added a bunch of stuff to the Katbox gallery, so be sure to check the RazorFox section for all the bonus pages the series has had over the years. Enjoy!

Well, that about wraps it up for me. Take care, fellow Draconiacs, and thanks so much for reading! ^o^

Good for this rhino, this rat doesn’t have 4 ninja turtle disciples

Hopefully sesame can get her bad ass fire sword back. …..for a discount.

unless Dante already traded it for a new outfit (which she is currently wearing.

She could have. But shes a thief by trade so im sure she cant just go to any shop to sell. They would probably be suspicious. Like you can barley carry that and you use light weapons and armor. You didn’t steal this did you? So instead why not go to a merchant you know wont ask questions. Plus she probably stole that new outfit any way.

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