Just going to drop in and say I basically camped the page, refreshing, waiting for a new comic page to show up, because I have nothing better to do.
Try hitting ‘latest page’ or if you can’t still see it click ‘Support the Comic’ for our patreon page and check the creations tab, it will be there. 🙂
Well it seems Disqus won’t let me delete comments! Or leaves them as guest entries that I can’t modify. Anyways I think I misinterpreted your comment, it’s quite flattering to hear you were eager for a page!
yes it been doing that since last week for me as well on ign and certain sites where you will get knocked off and your posts will come off as guests i think it has to do with next work error on disqus side
it has been doing that to me for as long as I have used disqus :/
F’real! Same here!
you’d probably do well at Comic-Con
can you do bad at comic-con??
word of advice to anyone who ever goes to the one in San Diego: don’t try going to any panels…though if you do, don’t waste your breath with Hall H.
join the club, we got jackets
Well i go check other comics i like…
Why not you too?
Well, I usually check TwoKinds and Hunters of Salamanstra, TwoKind’s schedule varies from if Tom has enough time or not, Hunters of Salamanstra’s author has a strict schedule, so that’s the reason I always stick around here.
I check on 49 comics daily
Oh, I’ve either made the mistake of accidentally logging off into a guest acc on this comment, or it decided to bug and label me as a ‘guest’.
With Kibbles the Dog
and Sesame The Cat.
The fun that never ends…Adventure Time
this needs to stop before Gravedigger kills somebody
oh come on dude, lighten up
its only amusing the first or second time
fun that’ll never end
adventure tiime
I can already tell that this will be an amusing and awkward trip.
AWKWARD TO THE MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will Sesame walk in on Mason taking a bath in the river this time? 😛
I think Sesame learned her lesson from last time. XD
Besides, Mason would be far far more cautious about bathing.
let me guess…he wears swim shorts while he washes himself
I think she learned A lesson, but that look in her eye in the first panel makes me wonder what exactly she learned. She definitely seems to like what she is looking at.
Or maybe it’ll be Kibbles, who knows it might even be Farron.
Farron?………..OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!………….hahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heh heh, you just made my day.
Valkeiper2012 might hear you
no, I’m talking about the awkwardness that would go on between them, man.
you should be more worried about me
Nah, Valk’ll put up more of a fit in my opinion.
when you meet me its usually cause your dead
I hope its claire
You hope it’s Claire walking in on Mason, or Sesame walking in on Claire? ^////^
I hope its me walking in on Sesame fondling Claire
I’m guessing the other can’t is “confront people”?
Maaaaaaaaaaaaybe, could be something else entirely!
I Wants to find out.
i’m sure phuufs will show us soon, odds are they have a buildup planned out for it if they teased us with it.
im gonna say see women in there underwear and not die of blood loss
uh dude, you have a typo in the top left panel. just pointing that out. sorry.
Should be fixed.
“Uncle is letting me do it own my own this time.” Hmmm, something seems a little fishy there.
Typo is fixed.
Now wait, did Mason join the party? I think technically they’re joining Mason’s party.
do it matter who’s joining who?? cause anyway you look at it its still a party
So um, setting aside the fancy new sword, they weren’t exactly the best fighters themselves last time they tried.
Why do you think they are willing to work for so cheap?! Besides, it leaves room for improvement :3
beware a player with something to prove
bandits tend to go for the easy target, so even if they arnt great fighters they make it LOOK like the cart it well protected, which is likely to decrease the chance of being attacked and who knows what else
And bandits tend to not be the … Best of fighters.
He’s blushing! Still rooting for Sesame and Farron though.
Mason’s embarrassment isn’t coming from the fact he is around Sesame as it is he is embarrassed to divulge information he is ashamed of (like not being able to fight and some ‘other’ thing..) as well as some social anxiety from meeting Claire/Kibbles.
Mason x Sesame = Otp
im a little frightened by Sesame’s laugh in the last panel
Awww don’t be so shallow Claire, not every strong looking guy can fight! I didnt expect her really get along with Mason anyway though.
Hey Claire is the sort who doesn’t get along with people immediately. She is the sort who has to grow on…
well, she doesn’t exactly grow on people, either.
To be honest, it looks like Kibbles was wondering the same thing. Claire just happen to say it.
Seems Claire doesn’t have a ‘be quiet and observe’ gear in the transmission for her mouth.
Don’t be so naive and hypocritical Claire, he’s gonna give you a free ride at least.
On the other hand, the Mason x Sesame ship is pretty strong here.
I am guessing he is a pacifist, based on what he said earlier. “I love weapons, but I hate what they are being used for.”?
he hates them being used as wall art
My only guess to the “other” thing is he could have hemophobia, fear of blood.
Sesame: eh it’s nothing. just a scratch.
(Mason faints) WHOMP!!!!
Mason has already told Sesame about his pacifism. I’m not gonna search the archives for the page, but he freely admitted to it, I believe.
He’s embarrassed to admit it now because there’s people two girls (Kibbles and Claire) who has obviously judged him by his size. Believe me when I say most ‘over-sized’ people are embarrassed by such mis-judgements (I’m 6’4″, 240 lbs, and have experienced it).
Hell, even being 5’8 and a half and 230 would make most think you’re like macho .. I’m a fucking wus. xD
Just wanted to say how much I enjoy the comic, and I just became a Paetron. Thank you so much for the wonderful story.
I’ve got a feeling that Mason’s gonna be a damsel in distress and Sesame will be his knight in shining armor.
sounds right
More like
“human” shield
Winter is coming….
Brace yourselves!
Claire: what time is it?
Looks promising. This, will be interesting. >.> I’ll keep watch!
Ok, I guess I’ll be a tad arrogant and say I called it last page.
There, spell of arrogance over.
is it just me or is Claire becoming kinda……..bitchy???
She isn’t being bitchy so much as being ‘blunt’. She has chronic foot-in-mouth disease and doesn’t always think before speaking. To be fair, Mason is a huge muscly guy — so at first glance he looks intimidating enough to scare off most people — but obviously once you get to know him you see he is a big softie.
unlike the hound…(ala Jay in Dogma) that guy was f**kin’ harsh!!!
now I feel like an idiot
“Think before you speak” is something Claire has to learn.
“Stand tall and fight” is something Mason has to train for
He’s got the ‘stand tall’ part down to an art. The ‘fight’ part needs a bit of work.
Mason reminds me of shaggy in the non-animated scooby-doo movies…
I hear the ol’ Final Fantasy chime playing again, you know the one that’s played when the main characters obtain something (or someone) :3
*Insert zelda/pokemon noise after reading
If the caravan’s rockin’, don’t come knockin’! (cue 70s porn music) 😉
Principle of Mythical Worlds:
“While travelling, you don’t have to look for the trouble, the trouble will always find you, either by ambush or encounter. At this rate, it’s always safe to carry a sword, in case of unforeseen consequences.”
-Sir McTavish
just thought up a cool monster that the group could come across in the future, and a scary one at that….anyone here familiar with the Wendigo of Native American folklore?
yes. that particular critter makes the sasquatch and yeti look like children. it’s about the same size as the other two, but it’s disposition is much worse and it has abilities to match.
-.- now your just being rude
Rock falls. Everybody dies (almost).
Lawlz! <3
Just going to drop in and say I basically camped the page, refreshing, waiting for a new comic page to show up, because I have nothing better to do.
Try hitting ‘latest page’ or if you can’t still see it click ‘Support the Comic’ for our patreon page and check the creations tab, it will be there. 🙂
Well it seems Disqus won’t let me delete comments! Or leaves them as guest entries that I can’t modify. Anyways I think I misinterpreted your comment, it’s quite flattering to hear you were eager for a page!
yes it been doing that since last week for me as well on ign and certain sites where you will get knocked off and your posts will come off as guests i think it has to do with next work error on disqus side
it has been doing that to me for as long as I have used disqus :/
F’real! Same here!
you’d probably do well at Comic-Con
can you do bad at comic-con??
word of advice to anyone who ever goes to the one in San Diego: don’t try going to any panels…though if you do, don’t waste your breath with Hall H.
join the club, we got jackets
Well i go check other comics i like…
Why not you too?
Well, I usually check TwoKinds and Hunters of Salamanstra, TwoKind’s schedule varies from if Tom has enough time or not, Hunters of Salamanstra’s author has a strict schedule, so that’s the reason I always stick around here.
I check on 49 comics daily
Oh, I’ve either made the mistake of accidentally logging off into a guest acc on this comment, or it decided to bug and label me as a ‘guest’.
With Kibbles the Dog
and Sesame The Cat.
The fun that never ends…Adventure Time
this needs to stop before Gravedigger kills somebody
oh come on dude, lighten up
its only amusing the first or second time
fun that’ll never end
adventure tiime
I can already tell that this will be an amusing and awkward trip.
AWKWARD TO THE MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will Sesame walk in on Mason taking a bath in the river this time? 😛
I think Sesame learned her lesson from last time. XD
Besides, Mason would be far far more cautious about bathing.
let me guess…he wears swim shorts while he washes himself
I think she learned A lesson, but that look in her eye in the first panel makes me wonder what exactly she learned. She definitely seems to like what she is looking at.
Or maybe it’ll be Kibbles, who knows it might even be Farron.
Farron?………..OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!………….hahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heh heh, you just made my day.
Valkeiper2012 might hear you
no, I’m talking about the awkwardness that would go on between them, man.
you should be more worried about me
Nah, Valk’ll put up more of a fit in my opinion.
when you meet me its usually cause your dead
I hope its claire
You hope it’s Claire walking in on Mason, or Sesame walking in on Claire? ^////^
I hope its me walking in on Sesame fondling Claire
I’m guessing the other can’t is “confront people”?
Maaaaaaaaaaaaybe, could be something else entirely!
I Wants to find out.
i’m sure phuufs will show us soon, odds are they have a buildup planned out for it if they teased us with it.
im gonna say see women in there underwear and not die of blood loss
uh dude, you have a typo in the top left panel. just pointing that out. sorry.
Should be fixed.
“Uncle is letting me do it own my own this time.” Hmmm, something seems a little fishy there.
Typo is fixed.
Now wait, did Mason join the party? I think technically they’re joining Mason’s party.
do it matter who’s joining who?? cause anyway you look at it its still a party
So um, setting aside the fancy new sword, they weren’t exactly the best fighters themselves last time they tried.
Why do you think they are willing to work for so cheap?! Besides, it leaves room for improvement :3
beware a player with something to prove
bandits tend to go for the easy target, so even if they arnt great fighters they make it LOOK like the cart it well protected, which is likely to decrease the chance of being attacked and who knows what else
And bandits tend to not be the … Best of fighters.
He’s blushing! Still rooting for Sesame and Farron though.
Mason’s embarrassment isn’t coming from the fact he is around Sesame as it is he is embarrassed to divulge information he is ashamed of (like not being able to fight and some ‘other’ thing..) as well as some social anxiety from meeting Claire/Kibbles.
Mason x Sesame = Otp
im a little frightened by Sesame’s laugh in the last panel
Awww don’t be so shallow Claire, not every strong looking guy can fight! I didnt expect her really get along with Mason anyway though.
Hey Claire is the sort who doesn’t get along with people immediately. She is the sort who has to grow on…
well, she doesn’t exactly grow on people, either.
To be honest, it looks like Kibbles was wondering the same thing. Claire just happen to say it.
Seems Claire doesn’t have a ‘be quiet and observe’ gear in the transmission for her mouth.
Don’t be so naive and hypocritical Claire, he’s gonna give you a free ride at least.
On the other hand, the Mason x Sesame ship is pretty strong here.
I am guessing he is a pacifist, based on what he said earlier. “I love weapons, but I hate what they are being used for.”?
he hates them being used as wall art
My only guess to the “other” thing is he could have hemophobia, fear of blood.
Sesame: eh it’s nothing. just a scratch.
(Mason faints) WHOMP!!!!
Mason has already told Sesame about his pacifism. I’m not gonna search the archives for the page, but he freely admitted to it, I believe.
He’s embarrassed to admit it now because there’s people two girls (Kibbles and Claire) who has obviously judged him by his size. Believe me when I say most ‘over-sized’ people are embarrassed by such mis-judgements (I’m 6’4″, 240 lbs, and have experienced it).
Hell, even being 5’8 and a half and 230 would make most think you’re like macho .. I’m a fucking wus. xD
Just wanted to say how much I enjoy the comic, and I just became a Paetron. Thank you so much for the wonderful story.
I’ve got a feeling that Mason’s gonna be a damsel in distress and Sesame will be his knight in shining armor.
sounds right
More like
“human” shield
Winter is coming….
Brace yourselves!
Claire: what time is it?
Looks promising. This, will be interesting. >.> I’ll keep watch!
Ok, I guess I’ll be a tad arrogant and say I called it last page.
There, spell of arrogance over.
is it just me or is Claire becoming kinda……..bitchy???
She isn’t being bitchy so much as being ‘blunt’. She has chronic foot-in-mouth disease and doesn’t always think before speaking. To be fair, Mason is a huge muscly guy — so at first glance he looks intimidating enough to scare off most people — but obviously once you get to know him you see he is a big softie.
unlike the hound…(ala Jay in Dogma) that guy was f**kin’ harsh!!!
now I feel like an idiot
“Think before you speak” is something Claire has to learn.
“Stand tall and fight” is something Mason has to train for
He’s got the ‘stand tall’ part down to an art. The ‘fight’ part needs a bit of work.
Mason reminds me of shaggy in the non-animated scooby-doo movies…
I hear the ol’ Final Fantasy chime playing again, you know the one that’s played when the main characters obtain something (or someone) :3
*Insert zelda/pokemon noise after reading
If the caravan’s rockin’, don’t come knockin’! (cue 70s porn music) 😉
Principle of Mythical Worlds:
“While travelling, you don’t have to look for the trouble, the trouble will always find you, either by ambush or encounter. At this rate, it’s always safe to carry a sword, in case of unforeseen consequences.”
-Sir McTavish
just thought up a cool monster that the group could come across in the future, and a scary one at that….anyone here familiar with the Wendigo of Native American folklore?
yes. that particular critter makes the sasquatch and yeti look like children. it’s about the same size as the other two, but it’s disposition is much worse and it has abilities to match.
You really have an Amazing Comic here.
Wow. That’s a very roomy locker.